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Information on the Trip to Guinea for Dance, Drum, Song, History, Vacation

From: Alan
Sent on: Wednesday, July 1, 2009, 3:07 PM
Africa Travel Group! Learn Drumming & Dance in Guinea!

Just a heads up! We have 4 confirmed travelers to Guinea for November at this point and we haven't even done advertising. I am simply guessing but I think we may have about 8-12 people on this trip, which is perfect!

We will be staying at Famoudou Konate's Home in Conakry if we have at least 8! If not, we will have nice accommodations also near Famoudou's. My wife Fanta's family, the Keitas, will be our mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers, cousins too to make our stay so inviting and calm. You will be amazed how it goes.

The meeting is July 17th! It is not necessary to come to the meeting to take the trip. The meeting is designed to be an info session and to answer any questions you may have, like CAN I do this? Will it be hard? What happens if I die? Will I die? :) Stuff like that. It should be a fun evening.

Thanks everybody. Back to Africa we go!

In rhythm spirit,
Alan and Fanta

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