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5.5 Mile Washington Heights Hike

Photo of Bill
Hosted By


We'll meet at Dyckman St & Payson Ave at 2:30pm, 2 blocks west of the Dyckman (= 200th) St stop on the A train, about 40 minutes north of Times Square. After dinner at the end of the hike, you can walk a few blocks to the 181st St stop on the A train to go home.

Rain cancels. Snow does not.

Walkers should realize that if I (the leader) am interested in getting to know you, I am helpless to do so unless you'll walk at the front and talk with me, since I'm stuck at the front of the pack. So by all means, walk up front and join in the conversation.

This walk involves a couple of less well-known parks at the very northernmost tip of Manhattan, but both of these parks are a delight, with spectacular views through the trees over the Hudson. We'll start with 3 miles through Inwood Hill Park, which has a real wilderness feel to it, you just can't believe you're in Manhattan when you're here, it feels like you're 100 miles from the nearest city. We'll visit Shorakkopoch, the site where the Dutch bought Manhattan from the Native Americans for the equivalent of $34 in 1626.

After that we'll go through Fort Tryon park, also scenic, and down into Washington Heights where we'll dine at an Indian restaurant to be disclosed on the walk. We'll probably arrive around 5:00pm or earlier. We really don't want people skipping the walk and just joining the group for dinner -- this is a hiking meetup, not a dining one.

You can read about Inwood Hill Park at

Though this walk is only 5.5 miles, it is quite strenuous because the terrain in Washington Heights tends to be very steep. Most but not all of the path is paved.

Attendance at this event is free, and by attending, you agree that you and any guests participate at your own risk, and that you will not take any legal action against the organizers of this group for anything unfortunate that may happen during this outing. There is especially a risk that you will get separated from the group and lost, and if that happens the responsibility will be yours. Every participant will be required to sign a liability waiver, the current draft of which you can read online here:

Photo of The New York Afternoon Hiking Meetup group
The New York Afternoon Hiking Meetup
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Corner of Inwood Hill Park
Dyckman St & Payson Ave · New York, NY