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Pagan Pride day this Sat Sept. 28

From: user 1.
Sent on: Thursday, September 26, 2013, 5:14 PM

This coming Saturday is Pagan Pride, taking place this year in Washington Square Park, from 11 am - 5 pm. It is free. The Aiwass Study Group & Temple of Thelema will have an information table there. There will be other workshops, music and vendors. It's fun!

Juan Ramirez will be speaking on Spiritual Alchemy and Initiation at 2:15 pm.

"The process of initiation requires a structure and a format. This format has different stages that will change the initiate in his/her spiritual journey. The different phases of this journey are the so called 'Spiritual Alchemy' and they relate to the many stages proposed by many traditions. If the initiate undertakes this supervised transformation, he or she will discover what the alchemists call 'The Philosopher's Stone.'



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