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Yearly Donations

From: MovieNerd
Sent on: Tuesday, January 1, 2013, 3:09 PM

Hello All,

I hope everyone had an amazing holiday season! We have some exciting meetups coming up in January includes several movies that are on Oscar Watch. There also looks to be some exciting shows at Wolf Trap this summer that are film/geeky related as that event last year was a lot of fun. We will also be keeping an eye out for anything fun that the Arlington Drafthouse is doing. We are also going to be trying change up the venues that films are hosted at. This is a great group and we want to keep it that way, but meetup groups do cost money to keep running. Per year to a run a meetup it costs:  $180.00 a year. If everyone could donate even the optional yearly $3.00 it would be a huge help. Please be aware that paypal does exact a fee (for $3 it is $0.39) so in the end that means the meetup group gets about $2.50 from your donation. We hope to see you all at the movies and interactions afterwards. Cheers and happy new year, Your Leadership Team (Mary, Ana, Kathy, Lara, Matt, Shannon, and Margaret)