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New Meetup: Valentine's Day- on Valentine's day

From: Shira
Sent on: Friday, December 18, 2009, 8:16 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Alexandria Movie Group!

What: Valentine's Day- on Valentine's day

When: February 14,[masked]:00 AM

AMC Hoffman Center
206 Swamp Fox Rd. (Eisenhower and Telegraph)
Alexandria, VA 22314

We're going to do two showings of this film, an opening night showing that's posted for the 12th and a Valentine's morning $6 matinee.

To see video clip, click below:

Garry Marshall (The Princess Diaries, Pretty Woman) has returned with a new romantic comedy - Valentine?s Day, which, you guessed it, will be released on Valentine?s Day weekend. Warner Bros has released a movie trailer for, what appears to be yet another paint-by-numbers glossy romcom. The film tells the story of intertwining couples and singles in Los Angeles as they break-up and make-up based on the pressures and expectations of Valentine?s Day.
The catch? This film features a strong ensemble cast of actors and actresses that your girlfriend probably loves - Julia Roberts, Jamie Foxx, Bradley Cooper, Anne Hathaway, Jennifer Garner, Jessica Alba, Patrick Dempsey, Jessica Biel, Emma Roberts, Ashton Kutcher and Topher Grace. A film like this is sure to make a ton of money based on that cast alone.

Learn more here: