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Auraria Animal Fair

From: Alexis D.
Sent on: Tuesday, February 14, 2012, 4:16 PM
Hi everyone,

I just wanted to let you know that my student group, Auraria Students for Humane Treatment of Animals, will be having an Animal Fair on our campus on Monday, April 2nd. 

If you, or someone you know, has an animal shelter, rescue, or organization that would like to have a table at our fair, please take a look at this link for info and registration:

We are really hoping to get a LOT of groups on our campus to show the importance of caring for animals and educate our students who may not know a lot about these issues! Even if you don't have an organization, but want to come down and leaflet or have a table as an individual who is just handing out information, that'd be fine too! 

Let me know if you have any questions!!


Alexis Ulrich
President | Auraria Students for Humane Treatment of Animals

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