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Do you shop at Stein Mart?

From: Julie
Sent on: Monday, September 10, 2012, 9:55 PM

Are you a Stein Mart shopper? Should you be?? Their fall sale includes a fox/raccoon REAL FUR vest that states FUR-CHINA.  You can see the catalog flyer ad at:


Description: animals are killed so horrifically, many skinned alive, that I guarantee you, most won't look at the pictures.  YouTube won’t even allow the videos to be seen without a warning.


Please let Jay Stein know your feelings. Drop him a quick note at:


If you don't get a response, DON'T SHOP THERE & SHARE THIS INFORMATION.


Educated consumers WILL make a difference in how animals are treated.


Thank you for your compassion.


(please forward this email to all of your friends and colleagues, too)







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