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Don't foget! GREAT leafleting opportunity at Vans Warped Tour next Friday 7/11!!!

From: Nikki
Sent on: Wednesday, July 2, 2008, 11:04 AM
Link to event here: Vans Warped Tour

This is a great opportunity to reach a LARGE number of progressives.

We'll be out there all day and need bodies for every shift. If you've never leafleted before, no worries!! It's a BLAST!!! Seeing peoples faces once they read the material and see the pictures only solidifies why we do what we do...THEY DON'T KNOW!!! We need to show them...the rest falls into place.

To learn more about the literature we hand out, visit Vegan Outreach's site and see the "Compassionate Choices", "Even if you like meat" and "Why Vegan" brochures...very informative - quick and to the point.

The following have RSVP'd yes:

Alysa Cortes
Dovile - 5pm
Nadia +1

8am-10am: Nikki
10am-12am: Nikki
12pm-2pm: Nikki
2pm-4pm: Nikki
4pm-7pm: You?

Please RSVP with time slot(s) so we're all covered!

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