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Fwd: Re: Mount Dora Anti-Tethering Discussion 7/17/12

From: Susannah
Sent on: Sunday, July 15, 2012, 5:40 PM
Hello Lake County residents, On April 10th Lake County Commissioners voted unanimously to ban unattended dog chaining. Unfortunately, the ordinance is only applicable to unincorporated Lake County and those municipalities that do not hold their own ordinances governing animals. Mount Dora has it's own animal ordinance. Mount Dora City Council will be discussing an anti-tethering ordinance for their community Tuesday evening. We are asking Lake County residents if they would please forward this e-mail to all of their Mount Dora contacts. The council is interested in seeing how much support they have for this ordinance in their community. If you are a Mount Dora resident, please attend the Council meeting Tuesday evening, July 17th, at 7pm to show your support. It will be held in the City Hall Board Room, 510 N. Baker Street, Mount Dora, FL. Please arrive before 7pm to sign up if you want to speak. If you want to speak, but are not sure what to say, a simple "I am a Mount Dora resident and I support an anti-tethering ordinance that bans unattended dog tethering" is fine. If you can not attend the meeting, or even if you do, please send the below "copy and paste" e-mail (or write your own) to the council members before Tuesday to show your support. Remember, there is strength in numbers. If we all lend our voice for animals, we can make the world a better place for them. An anti-tethering ordinance is a reality for Mount Dora, but only with a show of support. If you are not already a member of The League of Humane Voters, visit our website at to join. Please forward this e-mail to all of your Mount Dora contacts. Thank you.   City Council e-mail addresses:   Mayor Robert Thielhelm, Sr [address removed] Michael Tedder [address removed] Vasco Watters [address removed] Ryan Donovan [address removed] Bob Maraio [address removed] James Yatsuk [address removed] Dennis Wood [address removed]   Copy and Paste e-mail:   Hello Mayor Thielhelm and Council Members, I am a Mount Dora resident and I support an anti-tethering ordinance. Please protect the public and animals in our community by enacting an ordinance that bans unattended chaining. Thank you for your consideration in this matter.   Sincerely, <Your Name>   Renee Rivard The League of Humane Voters--Florida Chapter **If you want to help the most animals--with the least amount of effort: Go to our website, become a member, then vote for the animal friendly legislators that we endorse. It's that simple.

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