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New Meetup: 1st V-BALL LEAGUE MATCH: A2 Adventure Club vs. NSF

From: user 1.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 1, 2010, 7:34 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Ann Arbor Kickball (And Winter Volleyball) Meetup Group!

What: 1st V-BALL LEAGUE MATCH: A2 Adventure Club vs. NSF

When: Thursday, September 9,[masked]:45 PM

Where: Clague Middle School
2616 Nixon Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48105

This event is for PAID members from the V-ball team ROSTER only.

The team ROSTER ....based on the 12 RSVP's = YES for the Sept 1st "signup" as follows...
GIRLS- Julia, Amber, Pat, Siera, Kristen, Arlie
GUYS - Andrew, Ed, Mark, David, Zach, Robin

DO NOT enter a YES RSVP unless you are on the team ROSTER above.

Warmups begin at 645pm....the league match begins @ 700pm.

Wear a BLACK t-shirt so we look like a team.

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