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Brought to my attention......etiquette regarding meetup sites

From: Kathy
Sent on: Tuesday, November 2, 2010, 6:34 AM
THis was brought to my attention. I also have probably been doing this. Please read. If you need to email me, please use my personal email address([address removed]). Also, I think since alot of us have each other's email address(and for those of you that did not give me your's..please do) and you are specifically talking to them, just go ahead and email them, not the whole group. Thanks.

I have a request regarding the members using 'reply' to an email.

Would you please let the members know that when they hit 'reply' their comment/email goes out to every member. I believe I have opened a dozen emails tonight where members are stating that they cannot attend the 11-14 event at south mountain farm, etc.

In other meet ups that I belong to there was a similar problem and the organizer had to 'tutor' the membership to
1. the (non) use of 'reply' so that members are not inundated with every member's email reply
2. to use the posted calendar event as the means to RSVP. **I was not aware of this**

Thank you for letting us know about this. I know it will be greatly appreciated by all of us.

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