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Museum Glass Special

From: Ken S.
Sent on: Monday, September 16, 2013, 10:43 AM
Hi Folks,

The Darkroom Gallery wholesale supplier is running a special on Museum 
Glass.  This glass is amazing and normally prohibitively quite 
expensive.  It is very clear, has great UV protection, and is rather not 
reflective.  We have some at the Gallery if you want to see it.  info on 
museum glass here: 

The special is in various sizes, but if we can get a bulk order together 
of at least 15 16x20" sheets, we can take advantage of the special.   
The price is $30 per sheet and you must arrange to pick it up at the 

If you are interested, reply to this - don't change the subject - 
specify the quantity you want.  You can pay on pick up.  Sales tax will 
be extra of course.

Ken Signorello
[address removed]
12 Main St. Essex Jct. Vermont
(802) 777-FOTO

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