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New Meetup: "I Nipolti (The Cousins)"

From: Mark
Sent on: Thursday, March 26, 2009, 4:37 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Pittsburgh Cultural Arts Meetup Group!

What: "I Nipolti (The Cousins)"

When: March 29,[masked]:45 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Ever wonder who are some of the truely unique people in Pittsburgh working to make the city a more creative and better place? Well please let me introduce you to Mark Clayton Southers, who was recently profiled in the Pittsburgh Tribune Review's feature Personality Test

This is also the closing weekend for Mark's world premiere play "I Nipolti (The Cousins)" where two cousins conceal their elder Sicilian uncle in an African-American nursing home while seeking to pry loose a valuable family secret.

Researched in Italy and the U.S., this is the third of seven planned plays in Mark's well regarded culture-clash series which included the comedy "Hoodwinked" and the drama "James McBride" which was recently performed a few months ago in Baltimore after the great reviews it received in Pittsburgh during its world premiere in 2007.

If you've ever hear that cliche "Don't judge a book by its cover" ... well, this is that place - the Pittsburgh Playwrights Theatre Company (PPTCO) is located on second floor inside the parking garage across from Six Penn restaurant. You won't find any fancy furniture inside the PPTCO, but the shows are compelling and thought provoking.

In 2008, the Pittsburgh Post Gazette rated PPTCO's production of the August Wilson classic "Two Trains Running" as the third best show of the year out of well over 100 plays.

And next up for PPTCO will be August Wilson's "Seven Guitars" during May 2-24 ... trust me, you won't want to miss it!

Tickets available at door or through ProArts (412)[masked]

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