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Line up for the AoDL Sept meetup - Digital Project Management & Internal Communications

From: Caroline H.
Sent on: Monday, September 17, 2012, 11:01 AM

AoDL Meetup

Show 'n Tell // Network // Drinks

01 October 2012, 6.30pm-8.30pm
The Photographers’ Gallery
16-18 Ramillies Street, Soho, London W1F 7LW
RSVP + more info

Hi All, We are very happy to announce our line up for the next AoDL meetup on Monday 01 October, from 6.30pm to 8.30pm: We look forward to seeing you there! Best The AoDL Team


// Event Description

AoDL’s topic for this month will be Digital Project Management and Internal Communications. Developing a new digital project within an arts organisation and seeing it through to launch can be a challenge. Like any sizable undertaking it often involves contributions from each staff area – development, editorial/curation, digital, marketing, tech and venue management. This then has to be extended out to artists, audiences, partner organisations and quite possibly external agencies. With so many parties involved, it can rapidly generate a complex map of activity and you can find yourself having yet another meeting about a meeting.

How does an organisation keep all the plates spinning without losing the plot?

To find out we will spend this month investigating infrastructures, tools and systems that can help. They rarely receive top billing, but things such as Intranets, scheduling, task management and communication tools, as well as forms of project development (such as ‘Agile’), can make the world of project management a better place! RSVP + more info


The AoDL meetups are presented by Mute in partnership with The Photographers' Gallery and Shakespeare's Globe.


About Art of Digital London

AoDL is a research programme and network that runs an online peer learning resource, regular public events, training sessions and meetings about digital strategy in culture. Over 2011 AoDL in partnership with The Photographers’ Gallery ran a series of successful discussion groups building on the thematics of its founding programme of Salons & Surgeries [masked]). Including such topics as Open Archiving and IPTV, these continue to drive a collaborative research project conducted on AoDL's Wiki resource, TheKnowledge.


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