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What's coming up before end of Summer: Can you make these?

From: Ronald L.
Sent on: Thursday, August 21, 2014, 1:51 PM

Hi there,

Here we are at the midpoint of August. A few more weeks to really do it up and get crazy before we're deep into September. Here are a few things have have coming up, PLEASE RSVP FOR THESE NOW if you can make it.

This Saturday, August 23rd, we are doing a Potluck Picnic and BBQ at Kitsilano Beach, starting from 5pm. Why don't you come out and enjoy the sun and relax with friends this weekend?

The next day, Sunday, August 24th is another Hike up Cypress Mountain! A nice walk.

Fall in Love with a Beautiful Stranger: Dinner and Dancing at a Club/Lounge on Friday, August 29th! We are going to Aura Nightclub for hip hop night. Come meet some ladies/guys. We will schedule a dinner prior.

Boating in Deep Cove followed by Dim Sum again, on Sunday, August 31st. Going to be a fun time.

On Wednesday, September 3rd we are going to German Pork Buffet and Beer at Deutsches Haus. A popular and tasty buffet.

**Must RSVP TODAY** On September 21st is a One Day 5 Star Dinner Cruise from Seattle to Vancouver but you must RSVP today or there are no tickets left.

On September 24th is MBA Admissions Event - FREE ENTRY - For One Day Only. Curious about an MBA?


Who wants to play...ARCHERY TAG and shoot arrows at each other? This will be fun, please RSVP if interested and we'll do it.

Are you Smart Enough for....EXIT Canada? A group of us did it a week ago and it was a lot of fun. Looking for more teams to do the other rooms. Do you dare?

Please RSVP for the ones you are interested in.


Ronald Lee

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