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Re: [Aspiring-Writers-Marketing-Tampa] my trailer on You Tube

From: Yvonne C.
Sent on: Friday, May 1, 2015, 3:44 AM

Please feel free to post video book trailers on one of our t pages, Video Book Trailers for Authors so other writers get to see the variety available.

VonHenry Media

On May 1,[masked]:53 AM, "A. Colin Flood" <[address removed]> wrote:

The Sunday Kid collection is 30 thousand words of linked adult Western short stories. Inspired by actual events and mostly set in a small town, each story is 359 to 5800 words. The stories weave the experiences of seven characters into the grist of the old West: romance, lust, pathos, danger, greed, racism, hypocrisy, irony, sex and murder.

(Cost $5 at

Getting closer to actual publication...


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