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HTML5 dynamic animation

From: David O.
Sent on: Monday, July 1, 2013, 12:43 PM

My company has a small library of Flash animations in which dynamic content is injected based on who the video/animation is being emailed to.  Thank you Apple, Flash is no longer an acceptable technology to accomplish this goal.  We are looking to have these videos recreated using HTML5 so they can be played on mobile devices.  Does anyone have any experience creating HTML5 animations with dynamic content injections?  We would be looking for on-going contract work for this person to help us migrate existing videos to HTML5 as well as any new videos we create.  If you have this expertise please contact me directly.  All of my contact info is below.  Thank you.





David Orsini

Partner - Chief Operating Officer

Top of Mind Networks

phone: (404)[masked]

fax: (404)[masked]

2255 Cumberland Parkway, Suite 1200B

Atlanta, GA  30339

[address removed]


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