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Midtown TechLunch is Today!

From: Cameron C.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 21, 2015, 9:21 AM

I hope to see everyone at today's TechLunch in Midtown! If you haven't RSVP'd yet or your plans have changed please take a moment to update your RSVP on the Meetup event page:

If you've never attended a TechLunch, it's a very casual group of usually about 14-16 people who "talk shop" about topics like mobile development, evolving programming languages, startup ideas, and even sometimes career paths. There is no set topic so anyone is free to start a conversation about whatever they're interested in.

Please note - due to the holiday season we will not be having a TechLunch in November or December. Lunches will start again in January of 2016.

Ri Ra is located on the corner of 12th Street and Cresent Ave in Midtown. Two hour validated parking is available in the building's garage (entrance located on Cresent Ave). There is a good bit of construction in the area right now, but you can still access the parking garage. If the parking garage is full there is also metered street parking available.

Hope to see you there today!!

[masked] (cell)

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