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New Meetup: BOY - Queens Street Sky Cinemas - 3:50pm on Apr 4th

From: Mita
Sent on: Tuesday, March 30, 2010, 10:49 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Auckland Movie Fans Meetup Group!

What: BOY - Queens Street Sky Cinemas - 3:50pm on Apr 4th

When: Sunday, April 4,[masked]:45 PM

SkyCity Cinemas
297 Queen Street


The year is 1984, and in the rural East Coast of New Zealand "Thriller" is changing kids' lives. Inspired by the Oscar nominated Two Cars, One Night, BOY is the hilarious and heartfelt coming-of-age tale about heroes, magic and Michael Jackson.

BOY is a dreamer who loves Michael Jackson. He lives with his brother Rocky, a tribe of deserted cousins and his Nan.

Boy's other hero, his father, Alamein, is the subject of Boy's fantasies, and he imagines him as a deep sea diver, war hero and a close relation of Michael Jackson (he can even dance like him). In reality he's "in the can for robbery".

When Alamein returns home after 7 years away, Boy is forced to confront the man he thought he remembered, find his own potential and learn to get along without the hero he had been hoping for.

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