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What we’re about

As Certified Laughter Yoga Teachers following the vision of Dr Madan Kataria, we are committed to spreading joy, love and a sense of connection between people by establishing a free Laughter Yoga Club for the community to enjoy. Laughing together creates strong connections between people. Choosing to attend Laughter Yoga Club will introduce you to other people in your community who are also choosing joy in their everyday lives. By meeting, connecting and sharing joy, our community will be a better place in which to live.

Laughter and happiness are contagious. When one person becomes happier, it affects all of the persons around them. When many people in a community meet one another and laugh together, it creates an atmosphere of love, peace, joy and acceptance where creativity can thrive, forgiveness and acceptance and cooperation are standard, and people can support one another through easy and difficult times.

There is no one type of person who attends Laughter Yoga; we are 'everyday people'. We laugh with the young, old, healthy, ill, rich, poor, educated, uneducated, introverts, extroverts, well traveled, sheltered, happy, depressed, conservative, liberal, religious, non-religious, families, friends, neighbors, doctors, lawyers, mail carriers, hippies, investment bankers, teachers, yogis, engineers, foreigners, farmers, the curious, the doubtful and the enthusiastic. Laughter Yoga is open to all persons from all walks of life. We believe that laughter is a Universal language spoken and understood by all humans. Choosing to laugh together is to choose to see one another as other human beings without judgment. Words so often get in the way! When you laugh with others, you become healthier, happier, more relaxed, more compassionate, more forgiving and accepting towards other people and the world we live in.

Thank you! You're wonderful and we look forward to laughing with you!

Upcoming events (4+)

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