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New Meetup: Twenty Two New Friends and Allies

From: user 4.
Sent on: Tuesday, July 21, 2009, 2:11 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Austin Tarot Talkers!

What: Twenty Two New Friends and Allies

When: August 19,[masked]:00 PM

Borders Books and Music
9500 S I H 35, Austin, TX
Austin, TX 78753

Using the Tarot for Practical Spiritual Guidance

Whether you are freshly curious about the tarot or your favorite deck is as well-worn as a cowboy's jeans, this class will unveil a new way for you to apply the hidden wisdom of the tarot to guide you with a steady hand through life's ups and downs.

After a brief history of the tarot, you will learn not only how to open the door to the powerful archetypal energies of this ancient spiritual tool, but also how to use them to pop you out of stuck places, make clear, centered decisions, and guide you on your soul's purpose. You will also receive a free gift of your life and year tarot cards from HeatherAsh's Toltec Tarot deck.

Learn more here:

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