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New Meetup: Austin Writers January Write-In!

From: heath
Sent on: Sunday, January 25, 2009, 2:15 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Austin Writers Meetup Group!

What: Austin Writers January Write-In!

When: January 31,[masked]:00 PM

Suggested Donation: $2.00 per person

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: The next weekend meetup will be our Write-In!

Saturday Jan 31, 2pm, Dominican Joe.

The idea is simple. We show up at that place and time ready to write. Bring your laptop, notebook, Underwood, quill and inkwell, whatever you may have. We sit around a square of tables, and with luck the sound of other happy typists compels us to type also. When the time's up, people can linger and chit-chat if they wish. I will also have on hand a large set of keyword flashcards that can be used in different ways to break up writer's block or experiment with ideas. You'll be welcome to draw some cards as you write!

This is the counterpoint to our discussion and sharing meetups, and at the write-in we don't talk all that much. Just write, and share in the joy of not being the only one doing so. :) Afterwards, we've been talking a bit about what we worked on, where it's going, and then breaking for informal discussion between the writers.

We will do our write-in at Dominican Joe's, a location we've tried before for the conversational meetups. It is a cafe environment, and it is calm but sometimes there's the sound of an espresso machine. If somewhat-lively environments don't work well for you to write in, consider freeing your slot for someone.

If you decide to drop by anyway, and arrive and the set table area for us is filled (it will be to the right on the upper platform entryway as you enter), please consider finding a spot to write somewhere else in the cafe or nearby. We won't be able to guarantee every single person a space at those tables, but the opportunity to come and write is still there.

I'm looking forward to it. If you are too, RSVP!

- Heath

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