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Meetup Cancelled: Maia's Holiday Ball!

From: Studio 6 B.
Sent on: Wednesday, December 17, 2008, 10:51 AM
We saddened to announce that Maia's Holiday Ball!, scheduled to occur on December 17,[masked]:30 PM has been cancelled due to weather. Please update your plans accordingly. We want our band & you to be safe (couple band members are in icey road areas). Maia Santell & House Blend are scheduled to be at Muckleshoot Tues, 12/23 and back at S6 1/21/09.

If you have further questions, you can email us at [address removed] or call (253)[masked] (please leave a message if we are in a lesson!)

Don't forget to get your tickets for "Burn the Floor" at the Tacoma Dome 1/23/09! Check out for more info & video clips. Group rates, VIP packages, workshops...more coming soon!

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