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huge comedy event this wednesday at DC Improv... only $10 tickets - april 10, + images + 2 VVIP tickets

From: Manan Singh K.
Sent on: Monday, April 8, 2013, 5:30 PM
good afternoon, quick note... - (2 images below)
plus got 2 VVIP tickets for adnan sami concert - this friday - can give for discounted price...
heres the facebook event page for the comedy event this wednesday - day after tomorrow - april 10... -  ~  tickets are only $10 - heres the link - ~
show starts at 8pm, lets meet at 630pm to get best seats and to sit together... - u can email me when u buy your tickets - and we can all plan to meet at one location near the venue ~
Date: Wednesday, April 10
Time: 8PM (doors open 630PM)
Venue: DC IMPROV (1140 Connecticut Avenue NW, DC 20036)

One block north of Farragut Metro on Red Line
Parking Street There is metered parking Monday-Saturdays ($2 an hour). Please read stickers on meters for exact times as it varies street to street. Meters are free on Sundays. There is a Colonial parking lot next door that is $11.00.
past weekend, Had great time finishing our short film "Public Relations" (starring Omi Vaidya, Tom Tomlinson, Matthew Pauli, Joe, Maria, Ian, Tejash Natali and Rochelle Tschida ) --- with crew Vicki Yung, Quin Paek, Vick ...Krishna, Venu, Zwango, John Pratt, Aubrey, Joel, Jonathan, Waseem, Aftab, and others (apologies if i missed a name) - one of the funny production stills with our down to earth leading actress Rochelle Tschida --- and our benevolent Executive Producers - Very proud of this low budget high concept JMD Creations Production ~ 
hope to see u all this wednesday
get your tickets now from the dc improv link
tickets r only $10
keep smiling :) - Manan Singh Katohora'

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