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Bangor Area Hikers Meetup Group

From: Rich A.
Sent on: Tuesday, April 9, 2013, 7:15 PM

Good Evening Hikers!

Last week, our group pasted it's 1 year anniversary, and our membership certainly has grown.  We have been quiet the past few cold months, but are ready to get back out and hike.  I expect to plan a hike myself in the next couple weeks, but I do need your help.

I need other members to plan hikes.  If you are interested in officially planning hikes, let me know and I can make you a coordinator.  If your planning a hike alone or with friends, why not 'Suggest" the hike on the main page, and perhaps others will join.

If you do suggest a Hike, I will be happy to promote it for you, all I ask is that you clearly provide meet up time and location and take responsibility for keeping any Hikers who RSVP apprised of any changes.

Thank you to all who have organized hikes last year, I hope you'll be able to coordinate more this year.


Here's to a safe and enjoyable season!

