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New Meetup: Indoor skydiving in Union City

From: Bob S.
Sent on: Wednesday, February 11, 2009, 11:36 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Bay Area Everything Outdoors Club for 20,30,40 year olds!

What: Indoor skydiving in Union City

When: March 1,[masked]:30 PM

Price: $45.00 per person

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: We're arranging a group visit to the Indoor Skydiving center in Union City, and want to see if there are at least 12 people who are interested in willing to pay $45 in advance to reserve a spot, since reservations with this company are non-refundable. Once we get enough people, we'll confirm the time and then request payment with either Paypal or check.

This flight experience includes 24 flights of 1 minute each for up to 12 flyers. It also includes your training session, use of all the flight gear, hands on personal assistance from an instructor, a personalized flight certificate for each flyer and a DVD of your flight session. You can purchase Additional copies of the DVD at a discount.

Here's limitations that apply to anyone who RSVP's Yes:
# All participants 18 and over must sign our Release of Liability and present valid state-issued ID. # # Please arrive no later than 45 minutes before your flight time. Late arrivals or missed appointments cannot be refunded.
# For your safety and for that of our instructors, all participants under 6 feet tall must weigh less than 230 pounds. Those over 6 feet tall must weigh less than 250 pounds.
# Those with previous back injuries or shoulder dislocations are advised not to fly. Consult your doctor if you have any concerns prior to making your purchase.

Check out the website for more details:

Learn more here: