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No shows aka: Flakes, etc.

From: Tom Bold aka: Indie T.
Sent on: Tuesday, September 9, 2014, 6:06 PM

Aloha, This is Indie Tom from Backroads Wine & nature adventures.   I will be using the power vested in me by the International society of meetup organizers to REVOKE a member's status after the 2nd No Show. The Hammer has fallen on those who are not considerate & follow the rules of good meetup members.   NOTE:  If you RSVP for any Backroads Adventure or Event(Thru the Singles site) You must cancel your RSVP by Friday before 6;00 pm .   If you sign up because you have nothing better to do; please don't RSVP.   All my events & adventures  are a super Blast & have great people who attend. .I offer outings  like no other.  NOTE:  This week & the following 12 weeks are: "Be nice to your hard working Organizer ".


Tom Bold /Certified Fun Provider

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