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Special guest this week

From: Aaroo I.
Sent on: Sunday, June 9, 2013, 10:11 PM


This week I have the pleasure to have my brother Kenny visiting me from Kansas where he is a practicing Chronic Illness Coach and Detoxification Specialist. Our group is lucky enough to have him with us for the next week and though his time is limited he would love to connect with new clients. Here's his bio to get a sense of what he's about.

"Ken Fried is a Chronic Illness Coach & Detoxification Specialist having studied at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and under the tutelage of world-renowned healer Dr. Robert Morse. Ken is currently studying at the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching and is working towards his certification through the International Coaching Federation.

Drawing upon the immutable laws of nature and the innate intuitive faculties of his clients, Ken empowers individuals suffering from chronic illness to realign with nature, clear obstructions and regain vitality so they can live a life of vibrant health, free of fear and anxiety, without the need for invasive and costly medical treatment. Ken works with clients across the United States and abroad via Skype."

On Thursday at 7pm, Kenny will be giving a talk at Ashker's Juice Bar & Cafe titled, "My Vegan Diet is better than your Paleo Diet is Better than your..."

Also, at Saturday's potluck, Kenny will give a recipe demo and short talk on using raw foods as a tool to heal the infinitude of symptoms labeled as disease.

Though his time here is limited, Kenny has blocked out two hours a day this week to meet with clients interested in his services.

You can call him at [masked] or email [address removed] to set up a session or with questions.

Warmly, Aaron