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Looking for a Co-Organizer :)

From: Nancy K.
Sent on: Thursday, September 5, 2013, 11:17 AM

Hello fellow book lovers,


As you may have noticed, we have several new members among our reading ranks.  Welcome to all of you!

As many of you know, I don't consider this group to be "mine" per se.  Yes, I pay the nominal fee to keep it on Meet Up, and post the dates and books, and try to greet new members when they join.  But I feel that the group belongs to itself, and I want it to be what the members want.

So, I am looking for a co-organizer who would be willing to help with the posting, greeting etc... I travel for work, and when I am on the road, I don't always get to the site to see who has joined.  We also have a few members who would prefer some evening meetings versus our standard Sunday morning time.  I am game for that as well.  If anyone out there would like to help by becoming a co-organizer, please let me know.  My email is [address removed] and my phone is[masked].

I have compiled a list of book suggestions that have been sent in by members.  I am going to create a poll that you can all respond to so you can select the next few books for the group. I will also bring a print copy to our September Meet Up in case anyone misses the online poll.

I have decided to try having two meet ups a month, one the standard Sunday, and the other an evening.  They will be two weeks or so apart, and will be different books.  I am hoping we will be able to grow the group even further by adding some options.

If any of you have any further thoughts on growing the group, more book suggestions, etc, please feel free to contact me at any time.



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