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Invitation to NEURO+TECH at Institute for the Future | Dec 3, 6:30pm

From: Eri G.
Sent on: Tuesday, November 25, 2014, 5:00 PM
It's time for another +TECH event, this time on brain science. Should be a lot of fun, with amazing speakers. Hope you can make it :)

NEURO+TECH | December 3rd @ IFTF, 201 Hamilton Ave, Palo Alto

Over the past several years, we’ve made great strides in unlocking the mysteries of the human mind. Neuroscience is revealing new capacities of the brain and paving the way for radical therapies. Researchers are experimenting with direct brain stimulation. And machines that can monitor and interpret brainwaves and let us move objects with our minds are becoming accessible to the everyday consumer. How is science changing our understandings of how humans work? How are leading edge individuals using this technology to augment themselves today? And how will we use our new knowledge and capacities wisely for the betterment of humanity? Join us and leading innovators to explore these questions at NEURO+TECH, the next event in the IFTF +TECH speaker series. 


6:30pm | Doors open

7:00pm | Lightning talks begin (see below for speakers)

8:00pm | Social hour

9:00pm | Doors close


Melina Uncapher | CEO, Institute for Applied Neuroscience

Sterling Cooley | Founder, Berkeley Ultrasound Inc (previously: Halo Brain Tech)

Alex Glowaski | Community Engineer, Pinoccio, Hackster

Jamais Cascio | Distinguished Fellow, Institute for the Future

Eri Gentry
Institute for the Future Research Manager 
BioCurious Founding President & Chair

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