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Etiquette: Other People's Games

From: Christopher
Sent on: Thursday, August 25, 2011, 9:45 AM

Hi folks,

I've been running my games club for a few years and generally everyone's pretty respectful of the games other people bring, but every so often folks forget themselves so here are some reminders:


== Don't rummage through people's bags (or boxes, etc) ==

If people bring games that they want people to feel free to play, they'll generally put those games on display up on a table. If you notice a crate or bag of games under a table or off to the side, they're not on display, you're not supposed to touch them. They may contain fragile or precious items, or even personal things like wallets. If people see you going through their bags and something goes missing, it will look bad for you. If people *do* give you permission to look through their bags, please ensure you are careful with the items and replace them neatly. We had a case last night where folks had permission to rummage through someone's personal stuff, but left it a mess. (Not mine)


== Be respectful for other people's games ==

Take care of the pieces in the game. Folks seem to love to bend cards. Yes, they're bendy - don't do it, the cards will stay bent. Be gentle with them. Make sure you don't lose pieces on the floor. I've even picked up Scrabble pieces from the floor after games days! Often even the loss of one small piece can change a game. If the owner thinks the game has been damaged or pieces lost, they won't bring the game anymore. Will you buy a replacement game?


== Pack up after you finish playing ==

This one is a little surprising, but quite a few times I've seen folks finish a game and all walk away from the table leaving the boards, cards, etc all still laid out. Maybe you're used to your mums tidying up after you, but here it's down to you - either do it together or volunteer to do it yourself. Make sure you check on the floor as well to see if you've knocked some pieces down.


Above all, just remember to treat other people's games even *more* preciously than if they were your own. After all, it's not just their game you're risking, but their goodwill.

Actually[masked]% of you are very good with all of this, but just a gentle reminder ;-)
