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Re: [Job] Venture-backed startup looking for founding team member

From: Ray L.
Sent on: Friday, May 2, 2014, 10:40 AM
Hi Everyone,

I want to clarify why our job description says "Python, Ruby, or Node.js":

Because we are so early in the company's formation, we want to be technology agnostic during the recruiting process as long as we can stay within the confines of Python, Ruby, or Node.js. All three stacks can get the job done. What we're looking for is a great full-stack engineer and we will work with that engineer to decide on our tech stack and plant the seeds for our future engineering organization. If you think you're that person and are interested in hearing more, please contact me.

I've updated the job description to make this clearer:

Ray Lian
[address removed]

On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 1:25 PM, Ray Lian <[address removed]> wrote:
Hi Everyone,

I'm launching a venture-backed startup in Cambridge MA and looking for a great full-stack developer to join our founding team.  We are in stealth mode and our temporary codename is VL25. We are building an unbiased crowd-validated reputation engine for people.

It's a great opportunity to join a funded startup and build a great product and company from the ground up.

Here's our AngelList profile:

Here's a more detailed job description:
Please contact me if you want to learn more. Contact info can be found below or in the job description above.

Ray Lian
[address removed]

Ray Lian

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