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What we’re about

Boston Thoughtful World-Transforming Abolitionist Vegan Movers and Shakers

What are we DISCUSSING?  Specifically, the abolitionist perspective on ethical veganism. Every other topic we discuss in THIS meetup is ALIGNED WITH that abolitionist perspective on ethical veganism.  Utility questions ABOUT those other issues which WE aling WITH abolitionist perspectives on ethical veganism are discussed in terms of issues about HOW the utility issues SERVE the abolitionist perspectives on ethical veganism.

This group is for activist Vegans who think that they are abolitionists and are willing to DEFEND that position, ADVOCATE for that position, and effectively bring about the advance of that position through their work and struggle in human and natural history. These Activist ABOLITIONIST vegans will consistently practice vegan diets at all times and vegan values in their lives - and will work to establish the personhood status of nonhuman and to abolish the systemic oppression of nonhumans. No other test of fellowship or membership is in place.

"Test of Fellowship"

Would you support "VeganCare for ALL"?
Go vegan and no one gets hurt!

If you are anything else, you should join the Boston Vegetarian Meetup

Veganism is the Moral Baseline

What is your statement on 'veganism is the moral baseline' ?  Include that in your profile question responses.


If you are a vegan, activist or otherwise, you should join the Boston Vegan Meetup and the Boston Vegetarian Meetup (also).

If you seek to transform the public world as a vegan mover and shaker, AND if you have a proven track record of engaging the public or doing serious research on any of a range of sociological, political, economic, or psychological topics related to such world transformation, and IF your concern is the ABOLITION of animal oppression by humans (whatever the timeframe) AND you believe that there are "intelligent evidence-based interventions" which can HELP to effect (bring about) that historical outcome, this is for you.

We don't serve alcohol, smoke, or listen to loud music at our social meetings.

We THINK together, we SHARE our research on social transformations that are EXPLICITLY RELATED TO vegan values (and not peripheral to them, such as mere 'social change' in itself or orthogonal values).

Our working projects will include local, regional, national, and international efforts on (a) World Vegetarian Day and (b) World/International Vegan Day AND (c) Vegetarian Awareness Month. We will exchange with the IVU (International Vegetarian Union, which has a biennial World Vegetarian Congress), VUNA (Vegetarian Union of North America), NAVS (North American Vegetarian Society, which has an annual Vegetarian Summerfest), SERV (Society of Ethical and Religious Vegetarians), VRG (Vegetarian Resource Group), and VRC (Vegetarian Resource Center).

We will seek to engage vegetarian and vegan groups on vegan and abolitionist terms so that greater local, regional, national, continental, and international dialogue and effective abolitionist action can be achieved.

We will gather socially at educationally edifying all-vegan events AND for ad hoc work groups that engage any total or partial efforts to achieve our goals of a kinder, cruelty-free world in which all animal agriculture has been abolished voluntarily by our human species.

Additional topics for ad hoc working groups include:

    Campus Vegan Group Support and Student/Graduate Professional Continuities

    Copyright-Free PublicDomain VegMusic Project

    Intentionality and Other Persons - Developing the Public Phenomenology Respecting All Persons

    Nonanimal Research Methods Centers at Major Research Centers

    Religious and Spiritual Group Involvements

    Song Lyrics about Vegan Values

    Survey and Analysis of the Vegetarian Restaurant Industry - Business Issues

    Vegan Culinary Certificate Programs

    Vegan Physicians' Website

    Vegan Restaurants in Boston - Business Issues

    Veganizing Standard Menus in non-vegetarian restaurants

    Vegetarian Resource Library at U Mass Boston Healey Library

    Veggie Parades (Boston, Worcester, and beyond - already one in New York City)

Upcoming events (4+)

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