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Recent Fridays Sofa Kings at Royale and Deeper at Ascend Cancellation

From: user 1.
Sent on: Monday, November 9, 2015, 12:59 PM

Hey All!

I am not sure who's cancelling the recent events but it appears that no one is really scheduling any meetups on here. And I know how it feels to want to go to an EDM show but don't have anyone to go with! It's always more fun to go with a friend.

Anyway, I am writing this email to be proactive and let you all know that you're welcome to reach out to me directly at[masked] or email [address removed] if more shows continues to get cancelled on meet up. I will be at all the Fridays shows this month! And I also have ticket links that you can use to purchase tickets.

This link has current and will be updated with future shows at Royale:

This link has current and will be updated with future shows at Ascend:

Hope whoever is cancelling the show will stop because if they don't then this meet up will be really sad LOL


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