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Boston iPhone Boot Camps Offers Upcoming Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Workshops - All at Early Bird

From: Jonathan S.
Sent on: Monday, October 31, 2011, 10:52 AM

Hi All,

The opportunities for iPhone applications developers has never been better. Apple has paid out over 3 billion dollars to developers  iPhone developers' work-for-hire is the highest paid in the software industry.

The iPhone Boot Camps are arguably the most affordable and experienced iPhone application development workshops. Our rates are often half the price of other workshops; our trainers the most experienced in the field, with apps in the top ten in the iPhone store and/or authors of popular books on iPhone development. 

Since 2008 the iPhone Boot Camp has trained over 1,000 developers in over a hundred workshops  We are the only iPhone training to offer advanced workshops and a full money back guarantee after the first day of the workshop If you are not completely satisfied with the training - no questions asked.

In Boston we offer three levels of training in iPhone Development, from beginner to advanced

Boston iPhone Development for Absolute Beginners December 9-11, 2011 - Register at Early Bird and Save 

This workshop is for people who have never programmed before or haven't touched object-oriented programming. The end goal to have the class have a knowledge of the basic of object oriented programming. By the end of the workshop the students and be able to create a very basic iPhone App. 

Boston Intermediate iPhone Development January 13-15, 2012 Register at Early Bird and Save

The workshop is for experienced that are already familiar with object oriented programming and want to get started with iPhone development. Students who have taken the beginner workshop should be able to follow this workshop

Boston Advanced iPhone Development February 10-12, 2012 - Register at Early Bird and Save

For experienced developers comfortable with the basics of iPhone development. Developers can bring their app to the workshop for further refinements. Perquisites for the workshop is completion of the intermediate workshop or an app(s) in the iPhone app store.

Boston Instructor: George Polak 

George Polak is a senior developer for Skyhook Wireless, the company that powers over 300 million mobile location requests per day. He is currently leading the development of LocalFaves, an iPhone SDK that aims to quickly add a suite of location-based features to any iPhone application. George has worked in mobile throughout his entire career, including a stint at Research In Motion developing their first public Blackberry API.

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