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Open Source Project for the Group

From: Peter J. J.
Sent on: Monday, December 16, 2013, 12:58 PM
Hey everyone!

We've talked a few times about working on an open source project as a
group.  I've decided to throw my weight behind the hsqml package from
Robin KAY:


As you probably know, Haskell doesn't really shine when it comes to
writing GUI applications.  While there are several GUI-related packages
on hackage each has significant drawbacks.

When it comes to native GUI frameworks the big 3 are GTK, wxWindows, and
Qt.  Although Qt has some potential licensing issues it's really the
only one that won't cause you to throw your computer across the room
when trying to build on more than one platform.  On top of that Qt
Quick/QML looks pretty interesting to me.

If you're interested in joining me please speak up.  Don't worry if you
don't have experience with the technologies involved (e.g. Haskell, C++,
JavaScript, Qt, etc.), we'll work together and mentor one another as we

Sometime after the new year we should get together outside of the normal
group meetings and talk about the project and technologies.  If you do
have experience with Qt/QML I'd love for you to join the project and
tutor us a bit.

The end goal of the project will be a robust GUI package, several
example applications, and useful documentation.

Please drop me an email if you're interested.

Peter Jones, Founder,
Defending the honor of good code

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