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Revised agenda for Crowdfunding Discussion

From: user 5.
Sent on: Thursday, January 26, 2012, 4:47 PM

Hello Entrepreneurs,

$$$$Revised Agenda- Raise Money in CO Now on the Internet learn how$$$$ January 30th

Don't miss on Monday a revised discussion on crowdfunding and existing Colorado state registrations that are available now to raise up to $1M. The first part of the presentation will be a slimmed down version of crowdfunding the last part will be about the SCOR and a discussion around a program we are offering to support well vetted deals through this process as a group to start raising money on the Internet NOW!

RSVP Today!

Call for Presenters- February 8th

Also on February 8th we are back to our normal format. We are looking for 2 presenters for our meetup. If you are interested please email us ASAP. Also RSVP today!

To present you have to a founder or co-founder of your company. These presentations are not to pitch your products and services.

Each presenter will get 5 minutes to present and 5 minutes for audience feedback.

You need to address one of the following topics:

1. You are looking to build your team and are trying to recruit a partner or key team member
2. You would like to present your funding pitch for feedback from our members
3. You have a challenge that you would like to mastermind
4. You have an idea for a business and would like feedback from our members

If you have any further questions please feel free to contact us. If you do not fit our model which is very specific we do have slots of time where our members can give a 30 sec elevator pitch on anything they want to share with the group.

See you all soon. In March we are working on an exciting format change look for an announcement soon.

With gratitude, bt

StartUp Guru





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