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Announcing Crowdfunding Week - Get Excited!

From: user 3.
Sent on: Monday, June 4, 2012, 5:13 PM

Howdy Fellow Entrepreneurs,


Crowdfunding is a hot topic. We know you want to be in the loop, so here is a list of upcoming crowdfunding events this week that you might want to RSVP to!




Hear an entrepreneur's funding pitch with audience's feedback. June's funding chapter features the topic of Kickstarter campaigns and we are honored to have Carly Gloge of Ubooly speak about their successful $30K Kickstarter fundraising campaign!

Organized by StartUp GuruSpeakers: Carly Gloge, Ubooly and Christopher Williamson, DreamQuest
Free StartUp Funding Meetup RSVP
Date: Wednesday, 6/6 | Time: 5:30 - 8:30 PM | Location: 6680 Gunpark Dr. Suite 200, Boulder (Gunbarrel), CO, 80301 - Driving Directions


FREE CROWDFUNDING SEMINAR - The Office of U.S. Senator Michael Bennet will co-host a series of crowdfunding seminars across the state for Colorado small and start-up business owners and entrepreneurs looking to raise early stage capital. The seminars will explain how crowdfunding works and how businesses can take advantage of this new resource.


Crowdfunding Workshop - Orientation & strategies for the creation and launch of a successful fundraising campaigns utilizing donation/reward/pre-sales websites like Kickstarter, Indiegogo, Rockethub
Instructors: Carl Kalin, Jason Hopper and Karl Niemann
Sat, 6/9 | RSVP | Cost: $99 | Location: 6680 Gunpark Dr. Suite 200, Boulder (Gunbarrel), CO, 80301 - Driving Directions




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Gurkhas Restaurant & Bar

Authentic flare from richer cream based options of Indian cuisine to the lighter, less complicated style of Nepalese food, Gurkhas' native team combines their upbringings in Nepal and India with more than 15 years' each culinary experience

Startup Guru

Our mission is to guide people to express and engage their genius through entrepreneurship. We provide programs and workshops for launching and relaunching sustainable businesses. Our focus is to support your funding through our proprietary sweat equity model.

Rockies Venture Club
The RVC was one of the nation's first non-profits devoted exclusively to helping entrepreneurs launch and manage companies with high growth potential. Our mission is simple: give Colorado businesses the resources they need to fund, grow, and manage their companies.

TiE Rockies (Colorado)

TiE-Rockies is a comprehensive eco-system for entrepreneurs with vital resources to help entrepreneurs through every stage of the business life-cycle. It is part of the global TiE (The Indus Entrepreneurs) group that is the largest not-for profit organization promoting entrepreneurship. TiE Global has over 13,000 members in 57 chapters worldwide and as the power of networking grows, the network gets larger.

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