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Re: [ruby-74] Reminder: Meetup tonight 6pm

From: Joshua D.
Sent on: Tuesday, May 29, 2012, 10:21 AM
Clone it!  Fork It!  Port It!  

Dash it!  (yeah spend 1000 hours on it just to save $32, lol, interesting though)

I was just thanking Nathan for his talk, because I appreciated seeing dash app etc,
So, thank you to Nigel and Anton since there was some good info in there as well. was of particular interest, so I had some questions. I looked at the site last night
but I haven't been converted to Apple fandom quite yet, so that is my excuse.

* has anyone gone as far as generating documenation from their own codebase? (by what tools)
* how are the docs stored (is that some format that could be used elsewhere)?
* is some sort of database involved? is there a windows port?
   it reminds me a bit of the compiled help media (chm) files
* it's web based for the UI, but how do you think the indexing and search works? 

it can come from so many places (introspection, mirrors, reflection, typelibraries, embedded documentation, various websites, etc )
but have we arrived at a universal format for API information yet? (maybe the w3c working on one, it will be ready in 2040) lol