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"The Path Inside"

Join Soul Coach, Marnie Hansen, as she guides you on a meditation which will take you to the very heart of your Soul. No worries if you’ve never meditated or have difficulty being ‘still.’ Marnie’s vibrational gifts will take you there.

• The Best part of her workshop was “Drawing the images that came through during meditation and then sharing and interpreting.” Shirli

• My most significant take-away was “We are all connected in some way, it was cool to see each of us see some of the same things” SP

The meditation turns into a work of art that represents your Soul as it is right now. Marnie will then show you the Divine MerKaBa Template which is at the heart of her body of work and you will apply it to the images from your meditation

Before attending her workshop:

• “I felt like I was blocked and now I feel free to experience new ideas” SP

• "I was very confused and now I feel like I can trust myself and my intuition" Deanne

• "I was not appreciating myself, nor caring for myself and knowing something was missing. Now I know that a healing is needed and I can now use the new tools to create wellness and peace" Stephanie

Knowledge, learning to live from the heart, how the chakras relate to our MerKaBa's, feeling good about oneself and life, & the tools to move forward with, are just a few benefits people have said they received from attending this class.

For more information and video about class please go to Connect to Center : Quantum Field Energy Healer (

Investment: $89
For more information contact Marnie:

For more information:
Marnie Hansen
Quantum Field Energy Healer
Founder, Connect to Center
Owner The Copper Bowl Spa & Holistic Studio 443-294-6612

------About Marnie:

A Divinely-guided woman, Marnie brings you to your own remarkable insights and new exciting levels of awareness. Her body of work, known as Connect to Center® focuses on the conscious reclamation of your authentic self and provides the tools and mentoring necessary for Living Life from the Inside Out. She teaches numerous classes at her Holistic Studio, is a guest instructor at various events and locations throughout the US and holds private Soul Coaching Sessions and Master Healing Encounters.

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Nourishing Journey
10440 Shaker Dr. Suite 105 · Columbia, MD