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Don't Miss Gene Ang Tomorrow Night!

From: Jennifer P.
Sent on: Thursday, September 24, 2015, 5:02 PM

Hi Everyone!

Gene is visiting from California tomorrow and there is still room in his Orb and Starbeing event.  This is a highly sought after event that he runs in many other states, and it is always a lot of fun!  Don’t miss out!

Ever wonder what those amazing globes of light are that appear in your digital photographs?  Dust, water droplets, or something more?  Are you interested in making contact with starships in the night sky?  In this seminar we will go over the concept of orbs and extraterrestrial contact and what they mean to the trans-dimensional consciousness emerging on the planet.  The presentation will be packed with information answering your questions and giving you direct experiences of energies not usually perceived by the five physical senses.  The seminar will include the following plus much more:

-What are orbs?

-Are they real energetic phenomenon or artifacts of photography (dust or water droplets)?

-Proof that they are in fact a real energetic phenomenon.

-Infrared video of orbs in real time motion.

-Opportunities to take orb photos during the seminar.

-Opportunities to view real time video of orbs taken in the seminar room.

-The basis of extraterrestrial contact through consciousness and frequency.

-Group meditation to establish peaceful contact with starbeings visiting the trans-dimensional aspects of the planet.

-Experiencing contact outdoors under the night sky.

-Use of generation 3 high powered night vision goggles to enhance viewing of this light phenomenon in the sky.

Please bring digital camera if interested in taking orb photos, notebook, and pen.



Jennifer Palmer

Owner - Nourishing Journey, LLC
