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What we’re about

Coed Pickup Soccer for Charlotte, Concord, and Salisbury

This meetup group is dedicated to organizing pickup soccer games. All player levels (beginner, intermediate, advanced) are welcome.

• This is not a league, this is not a team, and this is not a business. Each player is here by their own determination on public space.

• Games typically last 1-2 hours, there are no referees or officials, and we use public fields.

• This is an open game, but we request that people RSVP so we will approximately know how many people are coming.

• No solicitors please. This group takes time and money out of the organizers' pockets, so unless you'd like to sponsor us or support our group, we will not coordinate with businesses to help support them.


• NO TACKLING! NO HIGH KICKS! If you want to tackle, join an official league please

• Goals are private property and the owners reserve the right to pack them up and leave for any reason. We do appreciate people who donate to them because they are expensive, but it is not required.

• Games are FREE. I (john) personally pay for this site (and am ceasing all donations for it while I am its caretaker) and do this so that there will not be any confusion that this is a business of any type. It's just easier this way. It is illegal to charge people to use public spaces. 

• This is a contact sport with most players wearing sport footwear. Please respect each other.
Each person is responsible for their own well-being. You will get kicked, stepped on, and probably fall down.

• Players under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian and are required to wear shin guards or any other medically required safety equipment. Although we do not really encourage underage players, parents may request on an individual basis.


• A ball (if you have one)

• A white and dark shirt