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CNJVBC CLUB Tryouts / Open Gyms

From: Ed
Sent on: Friday, June 20, 2014, 10:23 AM

Hi everyone this e-mail is going to the entire meetup group

Many of you have asked me to hold more CLUB (higher skilled) level events. The problem is we always have problems ‘filling’ these events.

So here’s your chance. I’ve set up 4 CLUB tryouts/open gyms. If we get good turnouts I will continue to schedule MORE CLUB level events (i.e., geared toward intermediate to advanced players who have competitive/system experience)

CLUB Co-ed 6’s Su 6/22 (WCC) -

CLUB Co-ed 6’s Sa 6/28 (WCC) - (early bird discount available until Mo 6/23 @ 9am)

CLUB Co-ed 6’s Su 6/29 (WCC) - (early bird discount available until Mo 6/23 @ 9am)

CLUB Co-ed 6’s We 7/2 (WCC) - (early bird discount available until Th 6/26 @ 9am)

NOTE: Players must be registered on meetup - we don't allow guests

NOTE: Players must be CLUB level or above (see skill descriptions below)

Any questions [address removed]


Our Skill Levels - In order to match players of similar skill levels and maximize everyone's volleyball experience, here is a list of skill level descriptions. This corresponds to how our meetup events will be organized and posted.  NOTE: typically our instructional events are open to all skill levels, unless noted otherwise)

RECREATIONAL events (Beginner / Recreational Players)

This player has played some organized volleyball (i.e., local leagues, intramurals, etc) and has some on-court experience.

Player learning/possesses basic individual skills/fundamentals of the game but lacks consistency.

Typically requires instruction on passing, setting, spiking, blocking, team concepts and rules

Familiar with basic USAV rules and violations, almost all illegal contacts are not called

Player may have difficulty judging where ball is going.

Player may have difficulty controlling/keeping the ball in play.

Player's court coverage is limited.

Slow game pace. Player can sustain rallies with other players of the same ability level. 80% of all points end with an unforced error. Blocking is not required.

COMPETITIVE events (Intermediate)

This player has played organized volleyball (i.e., local leagues, intramurals, etc) for several years and has some on-court experience.

Player possesses basic individual skills/fundamentals of the game.

Player is getting familiar with positions and basic team concepts.

May require instruction on setting, spiking, blocking and team concepts.

Familiar with basic USAV rules and violations, obvious illegal contacts will be called

Player's court coverage is average.

Player should be able to pass 80% of free balls to within 7' of setter consistently

Normal/average game pace. Serving is more aggressive. Player can sustain rallies with other players of the same ability level. Less than 50% of all points end with an unforced error. Blocking may be required.

USA Volleyball/GEVA player level of Recreational

Advanced / CLUB Events (CLUB, CLUB-BB players)

This player may have played competitive volleyball (such as GEVA, high-school/college, JSVBA, GAV or East End) for 4+ years and has significant on-court experience.

Player possesses consistent and dependable individual skills/fundamentals of the game.

Player is familiar with team concepts (i.e, defensive positioning, blocking, 4-2, 5-1 and/or 6-2 systems).

Familiar with USAV rules and violations, almost all illegal contacts will be called

Player's court coverage is above average.

Player should be able to attack the volleyball

Player should be able to pass 80% of free balls to within 4' of setter consistently

Fast game pace. Player can sustain bump-set-spike rallies with other players of the same ability level. Less than 33% of all points end with an unforced error (i.e., point is earned by a kill / / block). Blocking is required.

USA Volleyball/GEVA player level of C/CC (indoor), VBLI player level of B, GPVA player level of B/B.5

CLUB-A (CLUB-A players)

This player has played competitive volleyball (such as GEVA, high-school/college, JSVBA, GAV or East End) for 10+ years and has extensive on-court experience.

Player has mastered individual skills/fundamentals of the game.

Player is familiar with advanced team concepts (i.e, defensive positioning, blocking, 5-1 and 6-2 systems, specialization).

Familiar with USAV rules and violations, all illegal contacts will be called

Fastest game pace. Less than 10% of all points end with an unforced error (i.e., point is earned by a kill / block). Blocking is required.

USA Volleyball/GEVA player level of B/BB/A (indoor), VBLI player level of BB/A, GPVA player level of BB/A