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Cooking Classes

From: Sara
Sent on: Sunday, December 29, 2013, 11:19 AM

Happy New Year, Everyone!

Valerie, a co-worker of mine at Bachelor is offering cooking classes at one of our members' home (New Connection member).  We cannot offer them through meetup since payment and sign up for them is a little tricky.  Valerie is also a member of our group and other meetup groups.

The classes will focus on healthy cooking, creative snacks for athletes, and such.  Price per person will range from $30-$45, I think.  If you want to be on an email distribution list for the classes, please email me back with your contact info (email address and name).  Once Valerie has a list of classes with times and dates, she'll email you.  Sign up will be with her directly.

Thanks so much!


P.S.  Please feel free to share the list of classes with your friends!

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