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Re: [CTCSL] Charleston S Carolina

From: Bonnie C.
Sent on: Friday, June 19, 2015, 2:39 PM
Dear Rev. Patrick,
Thank you SO MUCH for your beautiful and moving prayer for the people of Charleston and all of us.
We love you and appreciate all that you do for us all.
Bonnie and Michael Cifala

On Fri, Jun 19, 2015 at 6:06 AM, Rev. H. Patrick Pollard <[address removed]> wrote:

Charleston. S. Carolina…Let us hold that in the midst of our broken hearts over the deep sadness that has broken the heart of our nation, caused by the awful tragedy in Charleston, that something new can, and does rise from the ashes of broken hearts.
I now declare that our broken hearts are broken open to also let out Divine love and Life emerge through Divine energy flowing from chaos to order, which we the Village, together can find the healing strength toward harmony, unity, oneness love and wholeness. Let us hold compassion, forgiveness, and the realization that God's Love over-shadows any pain, anger, revenge and ill-feelings toward anyone

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