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Sunday March 27th 2016 With Rev. Jean. We gather for your spiritual enrichment.

From: Rev. H. Patrick P.
Sent on: Saturday, March 26, 2016, 10:54 AM

Your Gift of Blessings on Sunday will be presented by The Reverend Jean Battah who is delivering to all attendees an inspired message of Love, Life and Abundant living.  Come be with like minded people on this incredible spiritual journey. The gift of Pure Spirit can infuse your faith and action with the power to direct your life into your highest expression of Wholeness, Beauty and Power.

"The secret of effective prayer is the realization that there is a Power for Good in the universe and that we can use It" Ernest Holmes SOM[masked]

It would be good to see you there.

Infinite Blessings

Rev H. Patrick Pollard. RSc.F. CSL



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