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What we’re about

Anyone passionate about Cybersecurity can join this group.  We will promote security awareness, best practices in Cybersecurity, Cyber defense, and offense highlighting popular tools and techniques. If there is anyone with good ideas or suggestions for a new meetup event you'd like to share, please do so.
I hope to bring in quality guest speakers to discuss the State of the Art in Cybersecurity in the future.

A little bit about me:
I have a small business called 33 Technologies, LLC, you can check it out here:
in addition to that, I'm a Cybersecurity Adjunct Associate Professor at University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC). I teach 3 online classes: Information Assurance, Secure Software, and Cryptology. I have a PhD in Computer Engineering. My Master's degree is in Information Assurance (Cybersecurity). I studied Computer Science and Mathematics at the University of Houston and received a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science with a minor in Mathematics.
I started my first business at 23 years old while attending the University of Houston.
I have around 10 years of experience running a small business, over 15 years of Software Engineer experience, and I previously worked for a few Defense Contractors.

Dr. Aguilera

Upcoming events (4)

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