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Shaw & Deanwood Here We Come!

From: user 7.
Sent on: Friday, August 14, 2009, 10:14 AM

CarbonfreeDC Chooses Deanwood & Shaw for the Extreme Green Neighborhood Makeover

We are excited to announce that two neighborhoods have been chosen for the Extreme Green Neighborhood Makeover. Ten houses from Deanwood in Northeast Washington and ten houses from Shaw in Northwest Washington will receive the green makeover treatment in the coming months.

Thanks to our members, Pastor and Mrs. Newell of the New Covenant Evangelistic Center and Commissioner Sylvia C. Brown for compelling nominations that lead to our decision to choose these neighborhoods.

In the coming weeks, we will be working with community partners and meeting with families in Deanwood & Shaw about their interest in participating in the Extreme Green Neighborhood Makeover. In the meantime, learn more about Deanwood & Shawn on our blog...

- Deanwood:

- Shaw:

Don't forget to buy tickets to the Extreme Green Gala on Friday, October 9th. Tickets are only $25 and will give you access to an incredible evening of organic treats, music, art, networking opportunities, inspiring speeches and more.

To buy your tickets now, go to

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