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Clean Transportation Workshop, Jan 25 + FREE AUTO SHOW TICKETS

From: Rhys
Sent on: Thursday, January 14, 2010, 12:12 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for CarbonfreeDC: Climate Change, Clean Energy & Sustainability!

What: Clean, Local Transportation Options Workshop

When: Monday, January 25,[masked]:30 PM


Join us for a practical workshop on clean personal transportation options... We cover how to choose between diesel/gas/hybrid/plug-in hybrid and battery electric vehicles, depending on your own commute and living situation. Speakers will give advice on how to reduce your environmental footprint and save money in a traditional vehicle with special "hypermilage" techniques. Lastly, we'll reflect on the evolution of transportation in the DC Metro area specifically.

FREE TICKETS TO WASHINGTON AUTO SHOW This workshop will be especially relevant as the Washington Auto Show, featuring the latest in hybrid and electric vehicles, is held January 27-31. We'll be giving away dozens of free tickets at the workshop, so be sure to RSVP and come by!


Benoit Colin
With Benoit Colin who is an independent expert on clean transportation. He is affiliated with Plug In America, the largest customer advocacy group for plug-in vehicles. Benoit promotes the electrification of
transportation and the use of smarter, cleaner automobiles through is website and consultancy He is a fervent advocate for car-sharing and bike-sharing. Benoit is a French national, member of CarbonfreeDC and has been living in the District for almost 2 years.

Learn more and RSVP here:

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