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TENNIS TONIGHT 08/26 Saturday 08/29 & Sunday 08/30 *Excellent Tennis Weather!

From: Chris J.
Sent on: Wednesday, August 26, 2015, 10:31 AM

Here are our weekly Tennis Happenings from now until the end of the week. Last check on the 5 day weather forecast looks pretty Nice!

  • Wednesday 08/26 High of 85 Plenty of Sun
  • Saturday 08/29 High of 85 partly Sunny
  • Sunday 08/30 High of 88 mostly cloudy

Wednesday 08/26 night Adult Tennis social beginning at 6:30pm. Keep in mind that the majority of players that turnout in Belmont are locals and do not sign-up through Meetup, so don't go by the RSVP's - we usually have a minimum of 8+ players each Wednesday. Fees are only $10 for the clinic.

Saturday 08/29 in Belmont beginning at 10:30am with the Adult "Strictly 4 the Beginner's Tennis class (Fees: $10). This clinic works on the basic mechanics, techniques & fundamentals of the game. Instruction in proper grips, forehand, backhand, serve & volley will be introduced. Participants will be exposed to all of the skills needed to play Singles, Doubles, learn the rules & keep score. Drills and live ball games will be used to improve overall court positioning, timing & proper technique.

Saturday 08/29 in Belmont beginning at 11:30am we kick off the Adult (advanced-beginner to early Intermediate) Tennis clinic (Fees: $10). This one is a mixed group of individuals who meet to participate in stroke specific tennis drills, on-court games and live ball point play. Lots of Doubles action, point play and social Fun! :Cold" Bottled Water is provided.

Also, don't forget the FREE Saturday 10:00am Ron's Rackety Tennis Meetup Independence Park (Free/no charge). This one fills up fast so RSVP now or get on the waitlist. A Fun group that will meet to play doubles games in a friendly, welcoming environment (not for the beginner, you must have knowledge of the major strokes and be able to play points, keep score, etc...). *Please Bring a Can of un-opened Tennis Balls.

Sunday 08/30 NEW START TIME 10:00a.m.
The ever so popular $7.50 ($New 2015 Cost$) Sunday "Fun-Day" Tennis Clinic beginning at 10:00am until 12:30pm. Hurry and RSVP! this one fills up every week. This 2-hour long clinic is a great workout.  Players will hit tons of balls and do a lot of moving.  Stroke specific drills, Live-ball games, strong emphasis on game play and on-court strategy. Learn proper techniques and how to execute winning points! Reminder: in order to sign-up for the Sunday Clinic you will have to secure your RSVP with immediate online payment.

***Please NOTE: Please, please, Please only RSVP if you plan to attend. And if you do decide to retract your RSVP please do so at least 24 hours prior to the day of the event. If you are RSVP'ed for a Meetup that has a waitlist and you retract your RSVP on the day of and in some cases I've seen just minutes from the start of the Meetup the waitlist person does not have time to take advantage of the open spot. If you are RSVPing for Meetups that are weeks and even months remember you are reserving a spot so please show up.

Take advantage of all the Meetups we currently have on the schedule ranging from Free, $7.50 & $10.00 - The cost of a Tennis Club membership is far more significant in costs & member dues.

Carolina Tennis Community member benefits definitely have their privileges!

Check the Tennis Meetup site for complete details on any of the scheduled Meetups this week and in the future.

Call or text me for any schedule changes, cancellations or further info.

[masked] - Chris.